Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Increase Your Substitute Teaching Assignments

I ocassionaly run into fellow subs I use to see while working. They sing the same song, "I don't know why that school no longer calls me." Getting to the top tier of your district's subsitute teachers call list is just a few steps up a ladder if you follow my suggestions.

First rung: Simply conduct yourself in a professional manner like you would at the corporate level. Secondly - follow the absent teacher's lesson plans as close as possible. Finally, make an effort to click with the students. I go into expanded detail of this subject in my latest eHow article, "How to Become a Frequently Requested Substitute Teacher" :

After reading the eHow article, I'd like to hear your comments!


  1. Hi, I have been trying to get my sister to start a blog on teaching. Great idea.
    I found you through Ehow Blogger posting page!

  2. I found this post and your article extremely helpful. My first day substitute teaching ever is this Thursday, and I'm kind of not knowing what to expect. I am going to a substitute training course the day before which I am very grateful they are offering. I suppose the rest is learning along the way and getting tips from websites and blogs like yours. Ha, the post about saying the pledge of allegiance was a good pointer. I haven't said that in years! Well, since I graduated four years ago.


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